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Downtown is Twenty – Andy Bounds

As Downtown celebrates its twentieth year in business in 2023, we have asked people from across the DIB network, old and new, to offer their thoughts, reflections, and memories of the ‘business club with attitude’.

This week, sales expert and communications guru, Andy Bounds reflects on 20 years of Downtown.

Thanks a lot, Downtown!

For any business to thrive, it needs great people.

Great people with the skills, passion, clarity and contacts to do their job brilliantly.

And Downtown has been providing local businesses with all these, and more, for 20 years.

That’s such a long time! 20 years ago, my eldest two children were in nursery and starting primary school. Now, they’re both successful business people and have started their own families (this makes me feel a mixture of huge respect for Downtown, but also the sudden grim realisation that I have become old!)

For Downtown to do something of such high quality, for so long, with consistently high passion and care… that is a real achievement.

Frank and his fantastic colleagues have been brilliant for my business. They have helped me and my team turbocharge the things I mentioned above – our skills, passion, clarity and contacts. They’ve regularly invited me to speak at their events, introduced me to useful contacts… they’ve even given me an award.

When I come to write my memoirs (Which I won’t. Because nobody would read them. But the fact I say “memoirs” is further evidence of how old Downtown makes me feel)…

… There would be a chapter on Downtown, and the impact they’ve had. 

They’ve made a huge, business-changing difference to my company.

And therefore to me.

And therefore to my family. 

And therefore, I love them.

Andy Bounds, sales expert, and Downtown’s ‘Liverpool Business Personality of the Year’ a few years ago…

Downtown in Business
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