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Who Are Yer? – Jo Henney

In this week's 'Who Are Yer?' we get to know Jo Henney, CEO of Nugent.

Full name: Jo Henney

Company: Nugent

Job Title: Chief Executive Officer

What does your business do: Nugent offer a diverse range of support to adults and children in Merseyside through our school, care homes, community and social work services. We work at the heart of some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. We strive also to generate interest, awareness, and an understanding of the issues they face and the impact of this on our wider communities.

Where can we find you: Edge Lane, Liverpool and around the Merseyside area


Company website:

Favourite sports team: Manchester United

Favourite Book: Good to Great by Jim Collins

Favourite Band/Artist/Song: Ooooh so many. Probably Coldplay with Green Eyes or Fix you

Favourite Restaurant / eat-out: Hawksmoor Seven Dials, Langley Street, London

Favourite Holiday Destination: Absolutely the Florida Keys – there is something for everyone at anytime of day or night!!

Top 5 people dinner party guests, dead or alive:

  • Sir Winston Churchill
  • Sir Alex Ferguson
  • Declan Donnelly (he’s not allowed to bring Ant!!)
  • Princess Margaret
  • Simon Cowell

Celebrity crush: Danny Dyer

My proudest / best business moment is/was…: becoming Governor in my first secure setting – a predominantly male dominated industry

My advice for 18-year-old me would be…: believe it and it will happen

My personal business hero(es) is/are…: Sir Alex Ferguson, Sir Alan Sugar

Downtown in Business

Letters to Ministers on EU Alignment

Government needs urgently to hear from British businesses ahead of the summit between Keir Starmer and Ursula Von Der Leyen on 19th May. We would be grateful if you would consider writing privately to members of the Cabinet Office Committee on Europe in support of beneficial alignment on goods and services. 

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