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Hospice Goal Within Reach as Acorns Announces Latest Appeal Total

An appeal to help refurbish a local children’s hospice is within touching distance of its target, as the latest fundraising total is revealed.

An incredible £550,519.32 has been raised for Acorns Children’s Hospice and the charity’s Room to Grow Appeal, which launched in February. The amount means Acorns is almost three quarters of the way to reaching the £750,000 target to refurbish its Walsall hospice, Acorns in the Black Country. Adding to the total was an impressive £1,317.82; raised at a special charity matchday takeover at Walsall Football Club at the weekend (Saturday 8th October), thanks to generous Saddlers fans.

Acorns, Walsall FC staff and first team players Conor Wilkinson and Joe Riley gathered at the Poundland Bescot Stadium in Walsall to celebrate the milestone. Also attending was mum Leah Ainge from Wednesbury, whose daughter Isla-Rae used the Black Country hospice. Sadly Isla-Rae passed away suddenly in May, aged just three years old.

Leah said: “I’m just so overjoyed at this latest total, and thankful to everyone who has donated so far. Isla-Rae loved Acorns and spent many happy hours there. The staff and volunteers are all wonderful and are like an extended part of our family.

“Whilst we’re so sad that Isla-Rae won’t be here see the hospice when the work has finished, it’s wonderful to think that local children and families just like her will see the benefits for many years to come.

“Acorns has been in our lives as a family for a number of years. I don’t know what we would have done without them. We hope more people are inspired to donate and fundraise, and help the appeal get to the finish line.”

The Acorns Room to Grow Appeal aims to raise funds towards a number of significant upgrades at the hospice, including the ten bedrooms where children stay for short breaks, emergency or end-of-life care, and a new purpose-built arts and crafts room.

The improvement works will also see the hospice become the first of the three Acorns hospices to have piped oxygen in bedrooms, in recognition of the increasing medical complexities of the children the charity cares for.

Walsall FC Co-Chairman Leigh Pomlett said: “Walsall FC are always delighted to support Acorns as we have done over recent years. It means a great deal to the Club and all of our supporters to be associated with this wonderful cause.

“Walsall FC are very sensitive to the fact that this is a very local cause that we all care about deeply. We will continue to offer our support in the future and will help in whatever way we can.”

Noel Cramer, Director of Supporter Engagement at Acorns, said: “The appeal finish-line is in sight and that’s thanks to the fantastic local community who have stepped-up and supported Acorns in so many different ways. We wouldn’t be here without their support and we’re so thankful for this generosity.

“We also want to extend our huge gratitude to our charity partners, Walsall Football Club and the wonderful fans for raising so much at the game at the weekend. Thanks to them, we are a step closer to our fundraising target, so that many more local families – just like Isla-Rae’s can benefit from our care.” 

Acorns in the Black Country, which had been placed under threat of closure due to financial difficulties, was saved in April 2021 thanks to the actions and generosity of numerous individuals, businesses, celebrities, and sporting teams from across the local community.

During the pandemic, the hospice remained open every single day, providing the vital services local children and their families needed, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It costs Acorns £27,000 per day to provide its care and support, the bulk of which comes from fundraising and donations.

To find out more about the Acorns Room to Grow Appeal and how you can get involved, please visit

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