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peopleHUB May 2024 – Neurodiversity Awareness in the Workplace

Register for peopleHUB’s upcoming webinar focusing on neurodiversity awareness in the workplace.

Register for peopleHUB’s upcoming webinar focusing on neurodiversity awareness in the workplace.


Date: Wednesday 8th May

Time: 9:15 am – 10 am

Location: Zoom

Guest speaker, Daniel Brooke, Founder and Director of Neurodiversity Specialists will be joining the webinar to explore neurodiversity in the workplace and discuss how employers can support their neurodivergent employees.

What will be covered?

· An overview of the different neurodivergent processing differences e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia (DCD), Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, ADD, ADHD and Autistic Spectrum Condition.

· Common misconceptions and stereotypes.

· Associated challenges and strengths.

· Potential impact on mental health and general wellbeing.

· What employers can do to support their neurodivergent employees and the benefits to both the individual and employer.

Meet Daniel, the visionary founder behind Neurodiversity Specialists. As a neurodivergent individual himself, he brings a unique perspective and a deep understanding of the neurodivergent experience to his work.

Daniel’s credentials speak for themselves; he is a qualified workplace needs assessor certified by the British Dyslexia Association (BDA). With a rich background in career coaching and employability skills training, he has honed his expertise through years of assisting countless neurodivergent individuals across various sectors.

Daniel’s mission is clear: to bridge the gap and create a world where neurodiversity is celebrated and valued. His dedication to understanding the unique strengths and challenges of neurodivergent individuals has driven the success of Neurodiversity Specialists. As a leader, Daniel paves the way for organisations to embrace neurodiversity and reap the benefits of a more inclusive and innovative workplace. His vision has inspired the foundation of Neurodiversity Specialists, and his commitment to empowerment continues to guide our mission every day.

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