A week in America | 12 July 2024
This week Martin looks into the seemingly unstoppable Trump Campaign and explores the brands and ideas behind it…
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This week Martin looks into the seemingly unstoppable Trump Campaign and explores the brands and ideas behind it…
Are US voters are currently being swayed by Donald’s argument that ‘any and all’ suffering they may be feeling is directly linked to migration. Martin Liptrot explores this topic and more in his latest blog.
Only hours ago, the US Presidential debate ended – Martin gives his reaction and what might happen next…
This week, Martin looks forward to the US Election debate and how the little details may make the difference.
This week, new rules to cap immigration and return enforcement powers to the police and immigration officials have been proposed in America. What might surprise readers is who is behind these new moves… Martin explores the vexed issue of migration and border control…
Overnight (30th May 2024) the verdict came in on Donald Trump. Martin looks at what this means for the ex-President, the Republican Party and the November election.
This week Martin reacts to the snap announcement of a UK General Election and why all things American feature so highly in the story…
This week Martin shares his views on what US businesses want to know about the forthcoming UK elections…
This week, Martin shares his thoughts on elections taking place across the globe and why nationalism is a worry for economists but so popular with political campaigners…
This week Martin is in the UK. He takes time to share his thoughts about the forthcoming elections on both sides of the Atlantic and how the TV stations and broadcasters will be covering them…
This week Martin looks at the latest happenings in the US election campaign and how Trump is steadily gaining ground with key demographics and voter groups.
This week, Martin reacts to the multi-million dollar settlement likely to change how Americans buy and sell their homes…