A week in America | 22 March 2024
To regulate or to encourage? This week Martin looks at the contrasting approaches to the business of sport on both sides of the pond.
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To regulate or to encourage? This week Martin looks at the contrasting approaches to the business of sport on both sides of the pond.
This week, Martin filed his US tax return and noticed something curious happen to his in box and social media feeds… advice, lots of advice, all of it unwarranted.
This week we learned who the next Presidential candidates – law suits obliging – are going to be. Martin also looks forward to the State of the Union address which will kick start the longest election campaign in US history.
This week Martin looks at the shifting age demographic in America, and wonders where there is money to be made…
This week, Martin considers the challenges place-makers face, and the need to create homes where people genuinely want to live.
After yet another mass shooting in America, this time as people are celebrating Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory, Martin Liptrot discusses America’s relationship with guns.
From his perch in the US, Martin looks at the current political ding-dong back in the UK – and can’t help but share a few words of US advice…
This week Martin looks at the raft of economic data being shared about the US economy and wonders what it all means…
This week Martin and millions of other Americans prepare to pay their taxes… some will be in for a nasty surprise…
As politics takes centre stage in America, Martin takes a sideways glance at the characters and storylines shaping the US Presidential Election…
This week Martin casts an eye over the 2024 Presidential Election and looks at the unique way America picks its candidates…
In the first blog of 2024, Martin Liptrot looks at the year ahead in the US.