The future is bright, the future is tech
In this weeks guest blog we hear from DIB Birmingham Chair, Kim Leary about the recent Birmingham Tech Week.
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In this weeks guest blog we hear from DIB Birmingham Chair, Kim Leary about the recent Birmingham Tech Week.
Barry Roberts from Downtown sponsor Morgan Sindall discusses the construction sectors current challenges and the best way of overcoming them.
In this weeks guest blog, European Space Agency’s Alan Cross discusses the use of space technologies within the property sector.
The UK aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, yet, at the same time has pledged to build more houses and invest heavily in infrastructure projects across the UK. Achieving both will only be possible if the construction sector finds ways to reduce its carbon footprint…
Governments like slogans – and in the north, having been used to the Powerhouse label since 2014, we are now trying to understand where we fit in the latest ‘levelling up’ agenda. We are left asking ourselves whether the Northern Powerhouse remains relevant, and perhaps more importantly whether it will leverage the strategic public investment we continue to critically need to maximise our potential. Here, Nicola Rigby, Principal at Avison Young shares her insights.
With talk of levelling up and investment in the North, Richard Bayley a cities and development consultant from Atkins, shares his thoughts on why local communities should have a voice in building back better.
This week’s guest blog is from Richard Crooks about how HR can support employees.
Rob Valentine from Bruntwood Works discusses how Bruntwood Works create communities and encourage interaction in their properties.
Ben Vaas, Commercial Lead at Ayming UK, the innovation landscape across the UK and how the Government can best support it.
Alex Beavan, head of fraud investigation at Western Union Business Solutions discusses their ever increasing vigilance to keep customers’ payments as protected as possible.
Downtown London chair, Simon Danczuk, dicusses why ti might be time for Boris to reshuffle his cabinet and explores who should dtay and who should go.
Ryan Wain from the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change discusses how the way beyond Covid isn’t a binary choice between lockdowns and ‘freedom day’, there is infact a third way.