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North demands more power

Jim reports from the Convention of the North in Manchester. A confident gathering with demands for sweeping devolution powers. But questions remain over both parties willingness to go along with it. Jim also found the North West is trailing the North East in its enthusiasm for any devolution deals at all.


Planning Woes

With UK ministers and civil servants being lobbied hard about changes to planning laws, Martin Liptrot wonders if perhaps its time to look at how local decision-making is better informed too.


Time to end costly ‘Beauty Contests’

The latest tranche of ‘Levelling Up’ grants were announced this week. Whether your area was a winner or a loser the bidding process is fatally flawed and should be scrapped according to DIB boss Frank McKenna.


Send for the official solicitor!

The law and strikes can be an explosive mix according to Jim. In this week’s blog he relates a lesson from industrial history on a previous Tory government’s attempt to curb union power through the courts.


Lack of Vision

Jim was underwhelmed by the New Year speeches from the Prime Minister and Labour leader. He’s calling for some vision and leadership,particularly on social care. He also looks forward to a pivotal year in politics with important local election in the North West.