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A week in America | 21 January 2022

This week Martin Liptrot discusses housing in America’s cities and the curious case of Affordable New York, a housing program which facilitates apartments which cost $250million each…


Will ‘Big Dog’ Survive?

Its been a hectic start to the new year in the world of Westminster politics. Frank McKenna casts his eye on the scandals, the policies and the possible outcomes as ‘Big Dog’ fights for his political survival.


Can Lancs have cake and eat it?

The defection of the Bury South MP to Labour has only served to prop up Boris Johnson according to Jim. But his blog this week focuses on Lancashire’s unusual bid for devolution and the challenge faced by small businesses by Greater Manchester’s Clean Air Zone.


Labour’s renewal

For the first time in a long time, Labour looks like it could win a General Election. Read why, in Frank McKenna’s latest Downtown blog.


Turning point… or more of the same?

The soaring cost of living could soon be more of a worry for the Conservative government than the pandemic or Johnson’s blunders. That’s the main point in Jim’s wide ranging look ahead to 2022.