A week in America | 9 April 2021
Since the earliest days of this great nation, communities have feuded over natural resources. This week, in modern America, those battles exploded back into life again.
Since the earliest days of this great nation, communities have feuded over natural resources. This week, in modern America, those battles exploded back into life again.
Jim is backing the controversial idea of Covid passports.In a toughly argued blog he claims that businesses that have suffered so badly are entitled to the measure. Opponents will have to pay a price for their principles.
Studio RBA co-founder Adam Morgan discusses a point high on every architect’s/contractor’s agenda, the professional indemnity insurance (PII) market and the ever increasing struggle to feel protected.
For once Jim is in critical mood about the European Union, but stresses the need to maintain good relations with the bloc despite their poor handling of the Covid crisis
As the country prepares to start the long-awaited journey out of lockdown, DIB boss Frank Mckenna tells us why writing off cities is daft; permanently working from home is dumb; and getting the economy singing again is Downtown.
Welcome to our new regular TFI blog, from Martin Liptrot, who lives in the sunshine state of Florida. Each week, Martin will be offering his views from across the pond on the big issues being talked about in the USA- and his reflections on the stories making the headlines in the old country too.
Luke Rumney, Business Development Manager at ArchiPhonic Ltd shares his thoughts on the recent news about Liverpool City Council.
Jim forecasts that Liverpool’s Chief Executive, Tony Reeves, will have a crucial role in pulling Liverpool Council out of the crisis revealed by the Caller Report. However he believes Labour chiefs will have their work cut out to reform the party in the city.
One party dominance of council’s or government seldom ends well – for us as citizens or our political masters. Frank McKenna reflects on the state of democracy in the UK.
Downtown’s Sales Executive, Lauren English gives us her lowdown on TikTok and how it kept her sane throughout 2020.
Steve Hunt shares his insights into how we can adapt to the changes to thermal demands for the Future Homes Standard.
Downtown Director, Chris McKenna on why a globally co-ordinated vaccine strategy is needed to help everyone return to pre-pandemic days.