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Dumb & Dumber?

Frank McKenna reflects on a sense of humour by-pass caused by an increasingly fractured UK democracy and explains why the General Election has become an ‘Unpopularity Contest’ in his latest Downtown blog.


The Pork Barrel election

Let’s see the manifestos! That’s Jim’s plea this week as he casts a sceptical eye on the huge number of big spending promises that are being revealed in a piecemeal fashion as the election campaign continues.


Top 8 Winter Tips

In this vlog Barrows & Forrester are going over the Top 8 winter tips to proof your home so you’re ready from the winter season.


Northern Powerhouse on Election warpath

This week Jim praises the Northern Powerhouse Partnership for going on election attack over devolution. He also doubts if the false starts made by the Tories and Labour will matter much in 6 weeks time and calls for a new Tom Watson when Labour MPs get back to Westminster.


Having a gaffe

This week Frank McKenna reflects on an inauspicious start to the election campaign for both main parties; comments on the Manifesto for the North; and offers support for a Conservative politician in Birmingham.