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Talkin’ Bout Regeneration

Dougal Paver, managing director of Merrion Strategy discusses the recent “talking ’bout regeneration” dinner hosted by Downtown Liverpool on Tuesday 12th February 2019.


May Still Standing

This week Jim notes that Mrs May has been able to keep her Brexit show on the road for now. He claims she has been helped by a hapless Labour Opposition and speculates that the EU are unlikely to bend for now.


Fyre: The Greatest Marketing Campaign That Ever Happened?

Riding on the back of the release of Netflix’s latest documentary Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened?, Robyn van Jaarsveldt, Social Media and Brand Manager at Downtown in Business looks at the online Influencer culture and the Fyre Fest marketing campaign that sold out a fraudulent festival in 48 hours and asks, is it not the greatest marketing campaign of our time?


Beyond Brexit

Downtown boss Frank McKenna urges business leaders to start thinking about life Beyond Brexit – and what demands we should be making of the new political leaders that emerge from the Brexit shambles.


May’s deal is still in play

Jim reckons the real prospect of MPs forcing a delay in Brexit, could help Mrs May get her deal. He also reveals the vital role of a Polish curfew in the decision to leave the EU!


Crisis, what crisis?

In his latest blog, Frank McKenna says there is an urgent need for a constitutional shake-up in the UK, as the governments Brexit shambles goes from bad to worse.


Time for business to take the gloves off

The business community has been abandoned by politicians. It is time to remind them who creates the wealth and jobs, and demand more support. That is the message from Downtown boss Frank McKenna in his first blog of 2019.


Can May possibly get her deal through?

Against the odds Jim sill thinks Mrs May’s EU deal can prevail in some form. With no agreement on any other options, he forecasts a last minute appeal to Brussels to compromise on the Backstop could see her through eventually.