Labour gets serious about Opposition
In his latest blog, Frank Mckenna suggests that Keir Starmer has given Labour a fighting chance of offering a serious challenge to the government in the coming months with his latest shadow cabinet reshuffle.
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In his latest blog, Frank Mckenna suggests that Keir Starmer has given Labour a fighting chance of offering a serious challenge to the government in the coming months with his latest shadow cabinet reshuffle.
‘It’s the leader, stupid’ – Frank Mckenna explains why strong leadership matters.
On the back of another week of ‘sleaze’ headlines for the government, Frank McKenna offers a couple of solutions that he believes would change our politics for the better.
Could Labour highlight a litany of ‘one rule for them’ Tory disasters by standing aside for an anti-sleaze candidate in the forthcoming North Shropshire By-election? Frank McKenna focusses on another government U-Turn in his latest Downtown blog.
Traditional Tories will see the Chancellor’s budget as heresy. But Sunak and Johnson won’t mind if it delivers them another election victory.
People need to seriously look at the wider implications of lockdowns before campaigning for another period of uber restrictions, argues Frank McKenna in his latest Downtown blog.
As a DIB poll finds that most business leaders feel abandoned by the political parties, Frank McKenna asks if Andy Street’s suggestion, that more entrepreneurs should go into politics, is the answer?
Who or what is Boris Johnson? The ‘Heir to Blair’, Jeremy Corbyn’s soulmate, or a bowl of spaghetti? Mama Mia, Francesco Mckenna tries to navigate us through the complicated recipe that is our Prime Minister. Not too much parmesan please – and easy on the garlic.
Keir Starmer’s relative success at his Labour conference this week is good news for Boris Johnson. Frank McKenna explains why.
Keir Starmer and Labour host their conference in Brighton this week. Will the party show that it has learned the lessons of four consecutive General Election defeats – or continue its journey into political oblivion?
Will the new Minister for Housing, Communities & Local Government progress the devolution agenda – or has the King of the North put the Tories off Mayors?
Heresy? Frank McKenna argues that the NHS needs radical reform more than it needs cash – and that this week’s tax hike will not improve social care as promised.