North West businesses claim £500m in R&D tax credits
orth West businesses claimed the third highest number of research and development (R&D) tax credits than any other region for the 19/20 financial year according to HMRC’s R&D tax relief report.
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orth West businesses claimed the third highest number of research and development (R&D) tax credits than any other region for the 19/20 financial year according to HMRC’s R&D tax relief report.
The chief executive of Downtown in business, Frank McKenna, has warned that Lancashire is in danger of missing out on funding, the levelling up agenda and devolution if its senior politicians don’t start to get their act together quickly.
A Preston-based BMW service engineer has become the only technician in England to retain one of the toughest technical accreditations in the motor trade seven times in succession.
Former Transport Minister, Lord Andrew Adonis, will be addressing Downtown’s Transport, Infrastructure & Construction Parliamentary Reception.
Downtown in Business will be hosting its annual national planning, property, and regeneration conference at the magnificent Grand Hotel, in the heart of Birmingham city centre, on Thursday 15th September 2022.
Accountants and business advisors Beever and Struthers have formed a partnership with Pareto Financial Planning to provide their staff and clients with award-winning independent financial and wealth management advice.
A very special edition of Lancashire Business View is now available to be read online for free.
Downtown Lancashire in Business recently hosted the next in a series of ‘In Conversation with…’ events at Bar Pintxos, Preston with Preston City Council leader, Cllr Matthew Brown.
Governments like slogans – and in the north, having been used to the Powerhouse label since 2014, we are now trying to understand where we fit in the latest ‘levelling up’ agenda. We are left asking ourselves whether the Northern Powerhouse remains relevant, and perhaps more importantly whether it will leverage the strategic public investment we continue to critically need to maximise our potential. Here, Nicola Rigby, Principal at Avison Young shares her insights.
The future of Lancashire’s high streets will be put under the microscope at the Lancashire Property Conference 2021 later this month.
Beever and Struthers, an award-winning firm of chartered accountants and business advisors in Manchester, Blackburn, Birmingham, and London have achieved the Planet Mark certification.
Downtown in Business recently hosted the inaugural Talking ‘Bout Regeneration conference at The Belfry.