International leadership organization, Common Purpose, is launching UK101, a new initiative supporting young people in the UK, to develop their leadership skills.
International leadership organization, Common Purpose, is launching UK101, a new initiative supporting young people in the UK, to develop their leadership skills.
Faced with increasingly uncertain rents, landlords should remember claims against former tenants or their guarantors – and the strict time limits which apply. We are
Passengers are being urged to wear face coverings on every journey as part of a new social distancing campaign launched by London Northwestern Railway today
One of Great Britain’s leading female athletes, Goldie Sayers, joined DIB boss Frank McKenna in the #DowntownDen.
DIB boss Frank McKenna talks to one of the founders of the Forgotten Ltd campaign Gina Broadhurst.
Downtown London Chair, Simon Danczuk spoke to four leading business personalities to discuss Professional Services and how the sector has been impacted by COVID-19.
Simon Danczuk, the Chair of Downtown London discusses all things social media with Katy Howell from Immediate Future.
The Chair of Downtown London, Simon Danczuk spoke to the Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills, Jules Pipe.
Bruntwood boss Chris Oglesby joined DIB in the Downtown Den to discuss life in the new world we are living in and how companies like his need to respond to the crisis to secure a strong recovery moving forward.
Following on the heels of the Government’s extension to the furlough scheme, new research by the #ForgottenLtd campaign shows that nine out of 10 small business owners feel abandoned by the Government amid the coronavirus outbreak.
This issue of DM focuses on the stand out individuals from across the country during these unprecedented times.
Loan to Value (LTV), why VAT makes a difference, and how BloomSmith can solve the LTV – VAT problem