Liverpool Airport chief tells DIB audience about plans for future
Downtown in Business Cheshire recently hosted a special lunch event with the Chief Executive of Liverpool John Lennon Airport, John Irving.
Downtown in Business Cheshire recently hosted a special lunch event with the Chief Executive of Liverpool John Lennon Airport, John Irving.
Downtown Liverpool recently hosted a special breakfast event with Mayor Joe Anderson at Liverpool John Lennon Airport. The city mayor discussed a variety of topics
Chairman of Downtown London, Simon Danczuk discusses the recent event with the Chairman of Network Rail, Sir Peter Hendy.
Downtown Birmingham are delighted to announce that the inaugural Women in Business Awards in Birmingham will take place at the majestic Park Regis Birmingham on Friday 5th June.
Downtown in Business has been highlighted as one of the UK’s leading business organisations by the Sunday Times business team.
Downtown in Business Director Chris McKenna is running the Liverpool Half Marathon to raise funds for Downtown Liverpool official charity, R Charity
Downtown Manchester was recently joined by former CEO of New Economy Manchester and CEO of Metro Dynamics, Mike Emmerich and Jessica Bowles, Director of Strategy for Bruntwood at an exclusive event in The Lowry Hotel.
Downtown in Business Birmingham hosted the first Birmingham Property Club event of 2020 at the fabulous Opus Restaurant discussing the 103 Colmore Row development.
CEO of Bruntwood, Chris Oglesby to speak at exclusive Downtown Leader’s Lunch Event on the 27th of March.
Thom Hetherington, CEO of Holden Media will be speaking at upcoming Downtown in Business Manchester Event.
Downtown in Business Birmingham recently hosted a special lunch-time event at BANK Restaurant, inviting newly appointed CEO of Wasps Rugby Stephen Vaughan.
Downtown in Business hosted an event at Everton Football Clubs’ HQ in the Royal Liver Building on the morning of Thursday 30th January 2020 and was be joined by key Everton executives behind the plans and proposals.