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In Conversation with Caroline Simpson


Tuesday 24th September 2024


12:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Join Downtown in Business on Tuesday 24th September, with Caroline Simpson, the new preferred candidate to become chief executive of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Join Downtown in Business in Manchester on Tuesday 24th September, with Caroline Simpson, the new chief executive of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

This Latest, ‘In Conversation With’ event will bring together professionals from across the Manchester City region and beyond to discuss the changes and challenges facing the region and look forward to the future.


The evolution of the Manchester City region, overcoming challenges and looking ahead to the Future.

Over recent years, the Manchester City region has found itself coming up against some significant challenges and changes. 

In 2023 Greater Manchester was one of the first city-regions to sign a trailblazer devolution deal with the government, granting the region more power and responsibility to develop policies and programmes around skills, transport, and housing, and securing a commitment to a single funding settlement, which will be introduced in 2025.

Having spent two years as The Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council (SMBC) Chief Executive, Caroline has overseen numerous major projects including a £1bn transformation of the town centre. 

Her vast experience makes her the perfect choice to speak on the most pressing issues facing the region today and how various sectors can work to overcome challenges.

Her aims align with the ambitions of the Greater Manchester Strategy at large: to create a place where everyone can live a good life, growing up, getting on and growing old in a greener, fairer more prosperous city-region.

Speakers address:

As the new Group Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Combined Authority, a role that is at the forefront of devolution and which is central to delivering a better greater Manchester for all, Caroline will share her in-depth insight on the most important issues and changes happening within the Manchester City Region and how these developments are impacting on different businesses and sectors as well as individuals. 

Drawing on her wealth of public sector experience to the role, with a career spanning local government, housing, and regional development agencies in the North West and West Midlands, she will provide a unique and empowering insight into the support needed for both businesses operating in Greater Manchester and those working within it to thrive in our ever-changing economy.

About the Speaker:

CAROLINE Simpson is a councillor and public figure and current Chief Executive at Stockport Council.

Her career in the public sector in Greater Manchester and across the UK started in the City of Liverpool delivering community-based regeneration projects, with a particular focus on work and skills.

She has recently been appointed as the new Group Chief Executive of Greater Manchester Combined Authority, (GMCA) which also includes Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) and Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM).

She took up the role in early summer and will lead Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) into the next phase of the city-region’s devolution journey.

She has joined GMCA and TfGM after two years in a leadership Position at Stockport council and has been selected by an appointment panel comprising the Mayor of Greater Manchester, and seven local authority leaders. Her appointment follows an intensive recruitment process. 

Benefits of Attending:

Hear Insights from an Industry Expert: throughout her eight years at Stockport council Caroline spearheaded the Borough’s development, regeneration, planning and transport agenda, and led the delivery and reform of frontline place management and property services. Be party to her invaluable insights and begin to consider your role in the future of the Manchester City region.

• Networking with Key Figures: Be part of a fantastic opportunity to network and connect with not just Caroline herself but also other influential figures in the Greater Manchester business world.

This event is a must for anyone working in or with an interest in the Manchester City region, In particularly anyone looking to contribute to economic change in the area and develop strategies for the future will benefit greatly from Caroline’s insights.

If you are interested in attending this event, please email


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Downtown in Business