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Ahead of Earth Day 2021 from 20th to 22nd April, an eco self-help book is now in its second print run – Roots – written by a local author

“A guide to feeling rooted in an uprooted world.”

Mental health and engagement with nature have been at the forefront of the pandemic.

The former remains an ongoing concern for many, with a historic lack of funding for mental health services in the UK – and the current demand is now bigger than ever. The latter seemingly one of the simpler (though limited) self-help solutions available during a pandemic, and also until recently one of the only legal reasons to leave the house – a walk in nature.

The importance of connecting to the natural world around us has never been more important, and ahead of Earth Day 2021 from Tuesday 20th – Thursday April 22nd there is a chance to engage further with our environment and also reflect upon the last 13 months of pandemic life.

Published by Liverpool author Bernadette McBride, Roots is an eco journal which helps develop a deeper connection with the natural world. As a sense of fragile normality gradually returns with spring blooming and summer coming, the planet is still under great duress. Over the last year or so, many people have reassessed their environments and what they might mean to them, and Earth Day is a pivotal moment to consider the relationship between us and the world around us. Roots is a gently inspirational way to journal about daily experiences and reflections, seeking and finding a closer link to the world around us.

Roots ispublished by Green Guild, University of Liverpool, and encourages the reader to journal for the length of a season alongside engaging with nature whether that be through caring for a plant, or taking a daily nature walk, all as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation, to feel rooted. This unique guided eco-journal combines writing as therapy with ecotherapy, with three informative chapters to guide the reader. The contents of the book have been carefully moderated by three professional counsellors.

At a time when our lives have been turned upside down, her self-help book to help us feel rooted is perfect timing. – Tuesday 20th – Thursday April 22nd

Roots is available from Waterstones or News from Nowhere

Digital version available to read here:

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