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Levelling Up: Providing World Class Skills for Business

The City of Liverpool COllege's Principal and CEO, Elaine Bowker shares her thoughts on Levelling up and how the college can provide employees with the right skills to businesses.

Elaine Bowker
Principal and CEO at The City of Liverpool College

In today’s climate, there is no doubt that those who are leaving education need to be equipped with the skills, experience and knowledge that will let them hit the ground running when they enter the world of work.

I’m a firm believer that curriculum must be designed with industry in mind, to ensure we’re able to provide businesses with the skilled workers they need to help them grow, and to allow those who are just starting out in their careers to thrive and have the best possible chance of success.

The new T Level qualification aims to do just that. T Levels have been created in collaboration with industry experts and aim to provide young people with the skills they need to enter the world of work and develop talent to support the economy’s recovery. They will support our economy to address the skills gap, to drive up productivity, raise aspirations and, as a result, support social mobility. 

The qualifications are high-quality technical alternatives to A Levels, combining classroom theory with practical learning and a work placement to equip students the real-world skills so desperately needed to help rebuild the economy, whilst also setting students up for successful future careers. Upon successfully completing a T Level qualification, young people will be primed to start their career, pursue further study or complete a high-quality apprenticeship. 

T Levels have been created in collaboration with industry experts so that they are genuinely relevant to the needs of industry, and businesses know that T Level students have been trained in the specific skills needed to grow their workforces. They are a key part of the Government’s reforms to revolutionise skills and technical education, generating the skilled workforce that businesses need for the future and giving students the experience they need to progress into well-paid jobs or further study.

The City of Liverpool College is one of 88 new providers across the country to have been selected to deliver T Levels, teaching new subjects such as Legal, Finance and Accounting, Engineering and Manufacturing. 

The College will be delivering 18 T Levels, a unique element of which will be the completion of a high-quality industry placement – of at least 315 hours, or approximately 45 days – where students will build knowledge and skills and develop confidence within the workplace environment, helping to kickstart their careers. 

They offer local businesses an excellent chance to nurture and build a skilled talent pipeline for the future, while helping to level up opportunities as we recover from the pandemic. Students gain vital hands-on experience and invaluable insight of the world of work, setting them up for success in the next steps of their career. What’s more, employers will be able to claim a £1,000 cash boost for every T Level student they host on a high-quality industry placement.

For so many years there has been the perception that A Levels and a university degree are superior to any other route into employment, but the world of work is changing, and we have seen that more than ever in recent months. Now, more and more employers are looking for work-ready candidates with real world, technical experience, not just theory. 

There is understandably a huge amount of confusion and uncertainty for young people who are looking at their next steps, so it’s fantastic that we’re able to provide more options for them to find a path that is right for them.

As well as ensuring constant improvement and innovation when it comes to our teaching and curriculum, a huge priority for us at The City of Liverpool College is ensuring that our curriculum reflects the needs of the Liverpool City Region and beyond. This means we can provide our students with the relevant skills they need to enter the world of work in sustainable careers, and that we’re creating the future workforce, retaining talent locally. This is in addition to upskilling and reskilling adults who may find themselves in careers or industries for which the future is uncertain.

If you would like to find out how your business could benefit from partnering with The City of Liverpool College, or to find out more about how you can get involved with T Levels, contact

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