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Procure Partnerships Framework

We are delighted that Procure Partnerships Framework are our latest Business of the Week. The Procure Partnerships Framework was established to support public sector bodies to procure contractor partners.

The Procure Partnerships Framework was established to support public sector bodies to procure contractor partners. The framework is divided regionally, supporting the framework values of local delivery with national governance.

The Procure Partnerships Framework pushes the boundaries of how procurement can support public sector bodies to deliver their strategic targets. The framework is designed to be flexible and provides clients with different call off options and up to eight forms of call off contract. There is also no fee for public sector bodies across the UK to access the framework and clients are always in full control of their projects.

Downtown in Business

Letters to Ministers on EU Alignment

Government needs urgently to hear from British businesses ahead of the summit between Keir Starmer and Ursula Von Der Leyen on 19th May. We would be grateful if you would consider writing privately to members of the Cabinet Office Committee on Europe in support of beneficial alignment on goods and services. 

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