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Autumn Budget Reaction | Jen Fenner, DefProc Engineering

Jen Fenner, co-founder and managing director of DefProc Engineering has commented on the Chancellor's Autumn Budget.

Jen Fenner, co-founder and managing director of DefProc Engineering has commented on the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget.

“The Chancellor’s investment of £960m into Green Industry is a huge opportunity for us and our client base, and the future of the nation’s economy.

“It provides reassurance that emerging energies, such as hydrogen, and technologies to support them, like hydrogen sensors, are on the Government’s agenda.

“Similarly, the move to make “full expensing” permanent shows the importance of manufacturing in the economy, while a £50m boost to apprenticeship opportunities strengthens workplace learning.

“There is a lot of exciting manufacturing and innovation happening in the North from SMEs and start-ups, so as long as the Government comes through on its pledge to grow the economy ‘everywhere’, this is a welcome move.

“Overall there appears to be a real drive towards supporting manufacturers, particularly in the tech and innovation sector, and small businesses, so as an SME business that develops bespoke tech solutions across a range of sectors, we hope these promises come to fruition.”

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