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Autumn Budget Reaction | Sophie Gilmore, HybridTec

Sophie Gilmore, Managing Director of HybridTec has commented on the Chancellor's Autumn Budget.

Sophie Gilmore, Managing Director of HybridTec has commented on the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget.

“There are close to one million vacancies in the economy due to skills shortages, and this is only going to be a major drag on the economy. So, while the Chancellor has restricted the Apprenticeship Levy, there’s no denying that more needs to be done to reduce the skills shortage and I welcome the increase of £50m worth of additional funding for specific engineering apprentices. One way of doing this would be to increase the commitment to growing the green energy sector in order to support both local and national net-zero targets.

Downtown in Business

Predictions for the General Election:

Sean Keyes, CEO of Sutcliffe; Simon Harris, CEO of Avrenim; Jo Henney, CEO of Nugent; Jen Fenner co-founder of DefProc Engineering and Sophie Gilmore, Managing Director of HybridTec – give their pre-election thoughts ahead of tomorrows vote.

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