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High Performance Consultancy’s People Hub event returns with very special guest

Author and Mental Health expert, Michelle Morgan joins HPC for the return of peopleHUB.

High Performance Consultancy are overjoyed to announce that Michelle Morgan will be joining us as a guest host for our upcoming event on May 11th. They would love for you to them us too!

Michelle is a leading voice in mental health and a proud Ambassador for Mental Health First Aid England.

This is an excellent opportunity to have your pressing questions answered by an industry leader and published author.

In addition to a thought-provoking discussion and Q&A with Michelle, there will also be an opportunity to network with other business owners and leaders.

This event takes place during Mental Health Awareness Week, so what better way to raise awareness in your business than by attending this event.  You won’t want to miss this one, secure your spot.
Date: Wednesday, May 11th
Time: 9:15 AM to 10 AM
Location: Zoom

Sign up for this event here.

Find out more about High Performance Consultancy on their website.

Downtown in Business