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Opportunities for future growth in the North

24th May 2018
The Principal Hotel, Manchester

The success of UK companies must come from their ability to innovate, export, expand, garner government support and to build recognisable brands that will one day become world renowned. This success does not come without its challenges as companies search for growth capital, try to maintain and attract high quality talent, keep up-to-date with the latest technologies and deal with a turbulent economic environment.

In a country that has a London centric viewpoint on business, other areas of the UK are not always in the spotlight. However, the North of England has a booming business sector and due to the cost and infrastructure pressures in the capital and the South East, there are benefits of looking elsewhere. Will the government’s ‘Northern Powerhouse’ proposal provide the right infrastructure to support current and future business? How can investment be spread evenly throughout the region? Can the strong manufacturing, science, technology and service sectors match the investment seen in the south? What does the future hold for northern business?

Financial Times presents the FT UK Business Conference: Opportunities for future growth in the North, which will bring together leading executives from UK business, government and think tanks to explore the opportunities and challenges facing British business throughout the UK in a post-Brexit environment.

This event will highlight successful strategies and obstacles within innovation, talent, trade, growth, technology and all the key areas of focus involved with maintaining and growing a prosperous business. Following the triggering of Article 50, businesses and public sector leaders in the UK are grappling with what leaving the EU could mean for them and the economy and how a cross-sectoral public-private approach may be the answer to ensure stakeholder’s long term needs are met.

Further information can also be found on the website:

Downtown in Business