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Brock Carmichael gains 100% Planning Approval at Warrington

Liverpool architects practice Brock Carmichael has supported all planning consents at Warrington Borough Council’s July meeting for three major applications, all of which were recommended for approval by the council’s planning department.

Liverpool architects practice Brock Carmichael has supported all planning consents at Warrington Borough Council’s July meeting for three major applications, all of which were recommended for approval by the council’s planning department.

Partner at Brock Carmichael, Michael Cosser said: “The Practice celebrates its 45th year in business and this is a great addition to our celebrations. All the developments consider local authority housing demand and will create a diverse and sustainable community, responding to Warrington’s Housing Strategy, its Local Plan and the need for more, well-designed homes in urban areas. In particular, they respond to the shortage of rentable homes in Warrington and establish an exemplar for the “Smart Growth” approach of providing new homes mainly on previously used land and avoiding the green belt.”

Premier Loushers’ outline application for construction of up to 140 dwellings and associated works including detail of a new access off Loushers Lane was approved. This brownfield 6.5 ha (16 acre) site is part of Warrington’s Southern Gateway Development Area. The area is identified in the Draft Local Plan as a key opportunity for development, The site plans include ‘no build zones’, parameters plans, 2.28 ha of improved woodland and ecological areas, 0.36 ha of additional woodland planting, new paths into Black Bear Park, pond creation, with vegetated retaining walls where needed and new hedgerows. Of 158 neighbour notification letters, site and press notices, 5 objections were received. More details of the plans and images here.

Full planning permission was granted to Incrementum Housing Development Company Ltd. for Fox Wood School’s former location, a 3.28 acre site in Birchwood, for the construction of 69 new homes for private rent (70%) and private affordable rent comprising 32, two storey houses and 37 apartments in two blocks, car parking, landscaping and associated works. More details and images here.

Full planning permission was also given to Incrementum, Warrington Borough Council’s housing development company, for the former Sycamore Lane Primary School 5.7 acre site in Great Sankey. This is for the construction of 92 new homes for private rent and private affordable rent comprising 47, two storey houses and 45 apartments, car parking, landscaping and associated works. More details and images here.

All were approved subject to conditions and S106.

Downtown in Business

Champions for Children Gala Dinner

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and Foundation 92 are hosting a gala dinner to ensure that the young patients at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and the young people involved with Foundation 92 share a common future filled with hope, determination, and boundless possibilities.

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