Downtown in Business CEO Frank McKenna was joined by Bill Addy, Liverpool BID Company; Victoria Brown, High Performance Consultancy; Keith Tully, Begbies Traynor and Paul Stanley, Begbies Traynor to answer questions on popular topics surrounding business support and advice whilst bringing specific advice from their respective sectors and businesses.
DIB Meets… Nugent, Krol Corlett & Butterworth Spengler
Downtown in Business boss Frank Mckenna caught up with Joanne Henney, CEO at Nugent, Simon Krol, Director at Krol Corlett Construction and James Jaycock, Insurance Broker at Butterworth Spengler to discuss what and who Nugent are.
DIB Meets… Muse
Downtown in Business boss Frank McKenna chats with Phil Mayall, Managing Director at Muse.
DIB Meets… Avrenim
Downtown in Business boss Frank McKenna chats with CEO of Avrenim Group, Simon Harris.
Junction at Manchester Central
Junction, at Manchester Central, has recently launched new menus and offers, just in time for Christmas.