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Academies Training

Beever and Struthers are excited to announce that they will be hosting their annual training event for academies again this year, where they will provide an update on a range of topical accounting and legal issues affecting academies and the wider education sector.

Hot topics within academy accounts – Peter Herbert, Insight Training

Growing multi-academy trusts – (Mufti) Hamid Patel CBE, Tauheedul Education Trust

Due Diligence – Helen Armstrong, Beever and Struthers

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) update – Sally Bird and James Wall, Kuits Solicitors

VAT update – Rob McCann, Beever and Struthers

The full itinerary and further information about their speakers are available here.

Event details:

Date: 26 June 2018

Time 09:00 – 13:15 (lunch will be provided)

Venue: Beever and Struthers, Manchester office

After the presentation, there will be a chance for any questions followed by a light lunch.

You are welcome to share the information about our upcoming event with any governors, trustees and committee members you think could benefit from attending as well as any Finance Director forums you might be a member of.

For more information, click here.


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Liverpool City Council Leader, Cllr Liam Robinson, has been named Leader of the Year at a national awards ceremony celebrating the work of elected members.

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