Kellogg’s have joined forces with Carbon Neutral B&M Waste Services, to take part in a litter pick, clearing the footpath along the Bridgewater Canal, accompanied by The Sale Wombles. The day also marked ‘World Environment Day’, a day celebrated every year to encourage awareness and action for the protection of our environment.
Across Manchester, a wealth of businesses are dedicated to campaigning for a cleaner city, with better parks, green spaces and waterways. With this in mind, Kellogg’s are actively supporting the local area, through a range of recycling-led activities.
As a frequently used path for both bikes, commuters and locals alike, removing the litter from along the canal improves safety for those passing through. Items such as plastic bottles, metal cans and glass bottles were found on the day and removed, ensuring that the litter wouldn’t be consumed by wildlife in the surrounding areas.
Any waste collected was then taken to B&M Waste’s Trafford Park recycling facility, where materials such as cardboard, wood and metals are then recycled. Any non-recyclable materials will be compacted into bales and taken to a refuse derived fuel (RDF) plant, where energy from waste is collected- further supporting B&M’s ‘zero to landfill’ commitment.
Commenting on the morning, Graeme Knight of B&M Waste Services, said: “It was a fantastic morning litter picking with the team from Kellogg’s and the Sale Wombles. The visible difference after only a few hours is great to see and I hope that after our collection of waste, the path along the canal remains clean and tidy for both residents and visitors.”
Hannah Greening, Environmental Lead from Kellogg’s Manchester Plant commented: “Kellogg’s have a vital role to play in ensuring waste from their operations is minimised effectively and by working with like-minded organisations such as B&M Waste Services and The Sale Wombles to keep the waterways and green spaces next to our factory clean. As residents of the local area ourselves we are also proud to support Manchester’s journey towards becoming the UK’s first Tidy City.