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Build. Back. Better.

As the region begins to return to work in greater numbers, and with distancing measures still needed, we need a strong signal that Greater Manchester is open for business.

As the region begins to return to work in greater numbers, and with distancing measures still needed, we need a strong signal that Greater Manchester is open for business. The creation of a temporary active travel corridor network for commuting would signal this intention.

During this crisis, Greater Manchester’s residents have been choosing to make essential journeys by bike and the numbers keep growing. In many cases this is for practical reasons, with decreased public transport capacity, they simply have no alternative.

For others, it has been to take advantage of low traffic levels to make essential shopping trips without driving. Whatever the motivation, I am sure we are all agreed this is one of the positive things to come out of this difficult time.

The public is being advised not to use public transport and many people do not have access to a car. So, we ask you to install safe routes in your area, to give people the opportunity to keep travelling in this positive and healthy way. Doing so, will not only help GM business’, it will show the rest of the UK what Building Back Better really means.

You have the power to ensure that safe space is available, by installing the proposed emergency active travel corridors so they might access work around the region.

Downtown in Business

Letters to Ministers on EU Alignment

Government needs urgently to hear from British businesses ahead of the summit between Keir Starmer and Ursula Von Der Leyen on 19th May. We would be grateful if you would consider writing privately to members of the Cabinet Office Committee on Europe in support of beneficial alignment on goods and services. 

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