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Forever Manchester delivers £1,081,017 in funding to 321 community groups across Greater Manchester

With the help of your fundraising and donations and funding from both Forever Manchester and the National Emergencies Trust, Forever Manchester has now delivered £1,081,017 in funding to 321 community groups across Greater Manchester.

The impact of problems associated with coronavirus continue and funding to address these issues will continue to be vital to parts of our communities for many months to come as, in particular, the need for food, mental health support and domestic violence support services increase.

Here are three brief case studies of projects funded in the last week:

Rochdale and District Mind aims to help people lead lives free from stigma and discrimination people about mental health issues and provide a range of services from one to one support to groups. They have moved their face to face services online and are delivering support via telephone, Zoom, Facebook & WhatsApp groups. They are ensuring that support continues to be available with all service users reporting a significant increase in the levels of their mental health problems. Specialist services are also seeing an increase and funding was provided to support services that have been moved online and for mental health facilitator fees.

Fresh, based in Stockport, helps alleviate hunger in the school holidays. The Covid crisis means that they have  expanded from helping 60 families to 380 families from 4 schools each week. The first week they provided 186 and every week since it has increased – last week 380 food parcels went out through the schools to families in need. The group want to continue to do this but needed funding for food and materials to parcel up food hampers.  They are working with 4 schools; Bridge Hall Primary, Adswood Primary, Ladybridge Primary and Saint Ambrose Primary.

UK Education and Faith Foundation is an Oldham based registered charity run by volunteers, working locally to alleviate social problems and to build bridges between different parts of the community. Currently they operate the Oldham Food Aid Hub , providing food parcels, advice, hot meals and warm clothing and run support programmes for families and domestic abuse sufferers. They have seen a significant increase in demand and funding was provided to offer a 24 hour helpline in 9 different languages, supporting service users by supplying essential items, clothing, top up on utility bills, bedding and PPE for their volunteers.

The next draw of Captain Manchester’s Magical Tombola, sponsored by Zen Office, will take place on Friday 12th June 2020.

For just £5 you could win a first prize of £500 to spend when and where you like, with cash prizes too for second and third prizes… got to be worth a go.

Captain Manchester’s Magical Tombola is one of Forever Manchester’s main fundraising activities, raising money to fund and support community activity across Greater Manchester.

Your support is needed more than ever and we hope that you will continue to help us by buying tombola tickets during this difficult time.

The deadline to enter online is 12pm on Thursday 11th June.

Captain Manchester’s Magical Tombola – 12th June 2020

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