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Safety pays dividends for Rosemere

Playing it safe has paid dividends not only for staff at a Preston company but also for Rosemere Cancer Foundation.

The charity has just received a £1,000 donation from Ingersoll Rand, which supplies and maintains air compressor units from its Walton Summit outlet.

It tasked its service engineers and members of its service and sales teams with achieving a zero accident at work rate for 2020, as well as asking them to highlight any areas of especially good and potentially poor safety practice they encountered.

In return for reaching the target, it promised the donation, asking employees to nominate their preferred charities. Rosemere Cancer Foundation received the most nominations.

UK Services Leader David Salisbury said: “We ran the scheme at our three UK outlets with Rosemere Cancer Foundation coming out on top for the Preston area. Involving staff in safety at work schemes is very important to us. We decided to introduce the charity element because most of us have a charity close to our hearts and we felt it would help motivate our teams to stay safe while earning money to donate to their favourite charity, and of course we know how difficult charities, especially local charities, have found fundraising during the pandemic.”

Rosemere Cancer Foundation works to bring world class cancer treatments and services to cancer patients from throughout Lancashire and South Cumbria being treated at Rosemere Cancer Centre, the region’s specialist cancer treatment and radiotherapy centre at the Royal Preston Hospital, and also at another eight local hospital cancer units across the two counties.

The charity funds cutting edge equipment, research, training and other cancer services and therapies that the NHS is unable to afford. For further


information on its work, including how to make a donation, visit

Downtown in Business

Letters to Ministers on EU Alignment

Government needs urgently to hear from British businesses ahead of the summit between Keir Starmer and Ursula Von Der Leyen on 19th May. We would be grateful if you would consider writing privately to members of the Cabinet Office Committee on Europe in support of beneficial alignment on goods and services. 

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Who are Sedulo?

Sedulo are one of the UK’s fastest-growing mid-tier business advisory firms, providing a full suite of personably delivered financial and business advisory services to SMEs, corporate entities, not-for-profits and private clients

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