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Does the BBC have a future?

Can the BBC put recent controversies behind it and have a long-term future? Frank McKenna’s latest blog looks at the trials and tribulations of Britains best known media organisation.


A warning on the refugee issue

Jim forecasts a right wing backlash if too much emphasis is placed on refugee comfort in the current boat people crisis. He looks at the potential for big trouble in America as the mid term elections approach.Back home, Jim asks when will the West Lancs by election be called?


Will ‘Big Dog’ Survive?

Its been a hectic start to the new year in the world of Westminster politics. Frank McKenna casts his eye on the scandals, the policies and the possible outcomes as ‘Big Dog’ fights for his political survival.


Booming Economy Problems

With the economy set to bounce back strongly, Jim looks at the labour and material shortages that could be a problem. He also attacks the BBC’s Andrew Marr who says he’s frustrated he can’t express his opinions freely.


Solution to BBC funding

Jim’s been talking to the BBC Director General about the future funding of the corporation.He outlines his idea in this blog and defends one of the few remaining British institutions respected around the world.