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Big week for Labour and Starmer

Keir Starmer and Labour host their conference in Brighton this week. Will the party show that it has learned the lessons of four consecutive General Election defeats – or continue its journey into political oblivion?


Cummings and goings

The government’s confused messaging over lockdowns in towns like Bolton could be more damaging for Ministers than the testimony of Dominic Cummings according to Jim. In his latest blog he also reflects on the latest cruel legal blunders faced by the Hillsborough families.


There is a magic money tree after all

The Tories have found the magic money tree that Theresa May said didn’t exist. But in his Budget review, Jim asks if there is underlying unease in the Tory Party about this dramatic switch from austerity to a bonanza of spending.


Raise your game Lisa!

This week Jim gives firm backing to Lisa Nandy in the Labour leadership race. However he acknowledges that the Wigan MP has ground to make up to defeat the frontrunners.


Labour’s Decade of Decline

This week Frank McKenna reflects on the Labour Party’s decade of decline – and warns that only a change of direction can save it from oblivion over the next ten years.


What will the left do now… nothing probably?

Jim gives his comprehensive review of the General Election result. He concludes the debate over our membership of the EU is over for a generation. He also asks if now is not the time for the splintered Left to engage in brave strategic thinking, when is?


Johnson could sweep the North West

Read Jim’s blog for a comprehensive analysis of the key battleground seats in the North West. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture for Labour who are switching tactics to try and shore up their position in the region.


Corbyn won the debate

Ever controversial, Jim awards the TV debate to Jeremy Corbyn. The Prime Minister’s refusal to engage with any other topic,scored him” nil point”
with Jim. He aslo has some advice for Lib Dem leader Joe Swinson.


Dumb & Dumber?

Frank McKenna reflects on a sense of humour by-pass caused by an increasingly fractured UK democracy and explains why the General Election has become an ‘Unpopularity Contest’ in his latest Downtown blog.


Northern Powerhouse on Election warpath

This week Jim praises the Northern Powerhouse Partnership for going on election attack over devolution. He also doubts if the false starts made by the Tories and Labour will matter much in 6 weeks time and calls for a new Tom Watson when Labour MPs get back to Westminster.