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Giant Growth Gamble

As the government moves at last to protect business from the worst of the energy crisis, Jim looks at the more controversial aspects of Liz Truss’ economic measures. As Labour meets in Liverpool he also asks what do they do now?


Time for the Government to pivot on net-zero

The SPD/Green coalition in Germany have adopted a more pragmatic approach to energy policy. Labour mayor Andy Burnham is rethinking Greater Manchester’s Clean Air Zone. Surely its time for the Conservative government to review its net zero ambitions? Frank McKenna calls on the government to ‘pivot’ on energy policy in his latest Downtown blog.


Sunak massive bailout part 2

The Chancellor is contemplating a second massive bail out just two years after the pandemic furlough scheme. Jim looks at the energy options facing the government on the world stage.


Another market failure

This week Jim comments on another blow to those who put their faith in market forces with the gas crisis continuing.He also reminds readers of the Hazel Grove past of Culture Secreatry Nadine Dorries, notes that Lancashire is now a favourite haunt of America’s top politicians and prepares for another difficult Labour conference in Brighton.


Questions over HS2 and Fracking

This week Jim asks whether two major investment projects have a future, HS2 and fracking for gas in Lancashire. He also casts doubt on nuclear power investment as the government seems to be relying on ever cheaper renewable resources