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Repeat performance by the banks?

This week Jim asks if the banks are going to be the bad boys in this crisis in the same way as they were in 2008? He also assesses the government’s handling of medical issues.


Judges to stop No Deal?

Might the Supreme Court be called in again to tame Boris Johnson? Jim asks what’s behind the contradictory government mantra that it will respect the No Brexit law whilst getting out by October 31. Jim also reports from Labour’s radical conference and says the Manchester economy will not be hit because the Commons has voted to sit during the Tory conference in the city.


No Honeymoon for the clown

This week Jim expresses his concern that Remainers lack the courage of strategy to stop the UK leaving the EU. He also looks at the challenge next week’s by-election in Wales presents for the new Prime Minister.


Hobsons choice

When Theresa May packed up her bags for her holidays, signalling a much-needed Parliamentary recess for our beleaguered Prime Minister, she must have been hoping