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A week in America | 19 July 2024

Desperate to write about anything other than American politics, Martin is once again frustrated as cataclysmic events on the campaign trail once again take centre stage… Trump vs Who? is the question on everyone’s lips…


A week in America | 7 June 2024

This week, new rules to cap immigration and return enforcement powers to the police and immigration officials have been proposed in America. What might surprise readers is who is behind these new moves… Martin explores the vexed issue of migration and border control…


A troubled world

Jim thinks the Democrats need to take drastic action to stop Donald Trump leading the free world in very troubled times.


A week in America | 1 May 2024

This week, Martin shares his thoughts on elections taking place across the globe and why nationalism is a worry for economists but so popular with political campaigners…


A week in America | 7 March 2024

This week we learned who the next Presidential candidates – law suits obliging – are going to be. Martin also looks forward to the State of the Union address which will kick start the longest election campaign in US history.


A warning on the refugee issue

Jim forecasts a right wing backlash if too much emphasis is placed on refugee comfort in the current boat people crisis. He looks at the potential for big trouble in America as the mid term elections approach.Back home, Jim asks when will the West Lancs by election be called?