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They went too soon

Did the rebels try to topple the Prime Minister too soon? Jim speculates on the chances of Boris Johnson leading the party into the next election.Also,as the Jubilee bunting comes down Jim reflects on the relationship between the Queen and her fourteen Prime Ministers.


Sunak confirms that he has no plan

The introduction of a windfall tax may offer some short-term relief for those hardest hit by energy price hikes – but it is no substitute for an economic strategy. Frank McKenna argues that Rishi Sunak and the government has no clue as how to manage the economy – and is the first Conservative administration to have an aversion to tax cuts.


If PM is FDR, who needs Labour?

Boris Johnson seems to be backing a big state, spending big to save the economy. Jim thinks that doesn’t leave much space for the Labour Party despite Keir Starmer’s determination to banish Corbynism.


The Government are managing the crisis badly. Fact.

In his latest blog Frank McKenna explains why giving any government a ‘pass’, even during a crisis, would be an afront to democracy – and outlines why he thinks Boris Johnson and his colleagues are struggling to manage the Coronavirus crisis effectively.


Grimmer and grimmer

Could we be facing a year of Corvid crisis with all its implications for social and business disruption? That’s the fear that Jim expresses this week as he sees few lights at the end of the tunnel. He also speculates what might have happened if David Miliband had become Prime Minister 10 years ago.


There is a magic money tree after all

The Tories have found the magic money tree that Theresa May said didn’t exist. But in his Budget review, Jim asks if there is underlying unease in the Tory Party about this dramatic switch from austerity to a bonanza of spending.


The destabilising decade

In his last blog of the year, Jim looks back on the most turbulent decade ever in British politics. It began with Gordon Brown determined to make Labour the natural party of power and ended with it looking unlikely they will ever be in power again.


Johnson could sweep the North West

Read Jim’s blog for a comprehensive analysis of the key battleground seats in the North West. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture for Labour who are switching tactics to try and shore up their position in the region.