What can Labour learn from the Democrats defeat?
Frank McKenna reflects on what lessons Labour may learn from Kamala Harris’ election defeat in America.
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Frank McKenna reflects on what lessons Labour may learn from Kamala Harris’ election defeat in America.
As Donald Trump begins pulling his White House team together, Jo outlines why Keir Starmer must try to regain some of the UK’s international respect.
This week, Martin once again looks at the Presidential Election. Harris has solicited the support of hundreds of generals, military advisors, professors, bankers and economists to support her campaign – Trump bought food for a woman in a grocery store. Guess who is winning?
This week, Martin reviews the Presidential Election Debate and explores what the candidate need to learn from the experience to turn it into votes…
Jim looks forward to the Lib Dem conference and asks what use are their 72 seats? He also comments on the races to the White House and the Tory leadership.
Frank McKenna reflects on Donald Trump’s barking mad performance in this weeks American Presidential TV debate – but concludes that it will make little difference to the ultimate outcome of the election.
As America awaits both Kamala Harris’ acceptance speech and Jerome Powell’s economic announcement, Martin shares his thoughts on how the Democrat Presidential hopeful needs to present herself live to the nation…
This week Martin looks forward to the Democratic Convention in Chicago – is this the moment that finally derails Trump or does it bring the Harris campaign train to a juddering halt?
Has Keir Starmer passed his first big test as Prime Minister? Has Kamala Harris picked the right vice presidential running mate? And what is the latest from the Tory party leadership race?
Fresh from a business trip to China, Martin explores how the Chinese are viewing the US election and who they may be rooting for…
It’s game on in the U.S. presidential race and Keir Starmer’s first PMQ’s was exercise in courtesy and restraint.
Desperate to write about anything other than American politics, Martin is once again frustrated as cataclysmic events on the campaign trail once again take centre stage… Trump vs Who? is the question on everyone’s lips…