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Post haste

Jim is unimpressed with the sudden urgency ministers are applying to decades of post office injustice. He also looks ahead to a year of elections.


All to play for

It was a great local election result for Labour, so why do doubts remain that the Tory dragon has still not been slain? Jim gives full analysis to all the North West results.


Corbyn won the debate

Ever controversial, Jim awards the TV debate to Jeremy Corbyn. The Prime Minister’s refusal to engage with any other topic,scored him” nil point”
with Jim. He aslo has some advice for Lib Dem leader Joe Swinson.


Remainers are spectators

This week Jim says the lack of determination by Remainers is allowing the new Johnson administration to assert that there is no alternative to leaving the EU in one way or the other. He also thinks the Cabinet massacre will not serve the nation well.