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Were we all hoodwinked over lockdowns?

DIB boss Frank Mckenna asks: Could a more common sense, less draconian approach to the pandemic have been adopted? Could the catastrophic impact on the economy, kids education and mental health have been avoided? Certainly, from what Sue Gray tells us, the staff at 10 Downing Street don’t appear to have seen COVID as the deadly virus they had us believe.


No more lockdowns please

People need to seriously look at the wider implications of lockdowns before campaigning for another period of uber restrictions, argues Frank McKenna in his latest Downtown blog.


If not now, when?

Frank Mckenna explains the reasoning behind Boris Johnson’s decision to announce ‘Freedom Day’ and a loosening of COVID restrictions.


Are we nearly there yet?

Frank McKenna calls on the government to consider the wider and damaging implications beyond COVID if they decide to delay the ending of restrictions this month.