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Downtown in Business at MIPIM

Local authority chief executives from Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, and Salford, will be joining the Downtown in Business ‘Leaders Lunch’ at the Cannes property festival MIPIM on Tuesday 12th March.


Downtown in Cannes

The Downtown in Business team will once again be at the property festival MIPIM in Cannes – and we are hosting a special lunch event in the South of France during MIPIM week.


DIB plans 2023 events bonanza

Three national business conferences, eight gala awards dinners, and an exclusive event at property festival MIPIM will be among the highlights of the Downtown in Business events programme in 2023, as the private sector organisation celebrates its twentieth anniversary.


Business leaders review MIPIM 2022 at DIB event

Downtown in Business, in association with the Liverpool Place Partnership, were delighted to host a breakfast forum this week which invited delegates to share their feedback and experiences from MIPIM and bring together ideas on how to keep the momentum going for the Place Partnership.