Building society’s rainy day account makes for brighter future for cancer patients
A rainy day savings account linked to Rosemere Cancer Foundation is making for a brighter future for local cancer patients.
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A rainy day savings account linked to Rosemere Cancer Foundation is making for a brighter future for local cancer patients.
A charity funded project enabling more local research into the better diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer has won the backing of Preston company Springfields Fuels Limited, owned by Westinghouse.
Playing it safe has paid dividends not only for staff at a Preston company but also for Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
A three-year project to enable more local research into the better diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer is to be funded by Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
A Lancashire company has brought a smile to the lips of doctors, nurses and other clinical staff working at Rosemere Cancer Centre, Lancashire and South Cumbria’s regional specialist cancer treatment and radiotherapy centre.
A much needed ‘helping hand’ in the form of a £1,000 donation has come charity Rosemere Cancer Foundation’s way via staff of Leyland Trucks with support from their families and friends.
Rosemere Cancer Foundation has set aside £300 to keep patients on the Ribblesdale Ward on ice lollies for this year and next!
The coffee shop within Rosemere Cancer Centre made a £5,939 profit over the 2019-2020 financial year, which the voluntary committee that runs it has presented to Rosemere Cancer Foundation to help the charity continue to fund projects to help local cancer patients.
Law firm Farleys Solicitors has awarded charity Rosemere Cancer Foundation a £3,000 grant from its Farleys Foundation to fit skyscape ceiling panels above the treatment bed in the centre’s busy LA6 radiotherapy room.
There are blue skies on the horizon literally for patients needing to undergo radiotherapy at Rosemere Cancer Centre, the region’s specialist cancer treatment centre at the Royal Preston Hospital and provider of all Lancashire and South Cumbria’s radiotherapy treatment.
Consultant plastic surgeon Dr Jeyaram Srinivasan is partnering with charity Rosemere Cancer Foundation to champion sign up to its Walk in the Dark Goes Virtual!
A seven day virtual balloon race raised £696.78 for Rosemere Cancer Foundation after 294 balloons were entered into the online multi charity event on its behalf.