A week in America | 7th July 2024
Are US voters are currently being swayed by Donald’s argument that ‘any and all’ suffering they may be feeling is directly linked to migration. Martin Liptrot explores this topic and more in his latest blog.
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Are US voters are currently being swayed by Donald’s argument that ‘any and all’ suffering they may be feeling is directly linked to migration. Martin Liptrot explores this topic and more in his latest blog.
This week Martin looks at the raft of economic data being shared about the US economy and wonders what it all means…
This time next year, America will have a new President. Or the old one back. Or the old one it currently has will still be there. This week Martin looks at the dilemma facing US political parties and voters…
This week, Martin continues to follow the chaos in Congress. While finding a new Speaker is a step forward, what comes next has many people worried…
This week, Martin studies the form for the field running to be US Presidential candidates. Troubled by legal woes, weight and health rumours, and on-going coiffure concerns, defeated 2020 candidate Donald Trump is leading the republican field… but who else is running?
This year, there have been 23 school shootings in America already. As a Florida jury considers the role of police and security guards in preventing them, Martin wonders what else can be done…
As the U.S. braces for the largest ever influx of immigrants across its southern border this weekend – Martin looks at the other group of migrants changing the nation’s towns and cities – Americans.
In the latest blog from across the Atlantic, Martin discusses President Trump’s impeding legal woes.
The latest blog from the U.S. discusses what former President Donald Trump, has been up to recently.
Jim says this needs to be the year when Minister’s are held to their promises on real investment and devolution for the Northern Powerhouse.
The idea that the UK is first in the queue for a trade deal with one of Ireland’s strongest allies is baloney according to Downtown boss Frank McKenna.
100 years ago the Versailles Treaty shaped the modern world we live in. But Vladimir Putin says liberal democracy is dead. Jim agrees there are certainly worrying signs.