The Downtown Den Politics Podcast | EP.72 | President Trump 2.0
It’s Donald Trump MK2. It certainly has been a lively start.
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It’s Donald Trump MK2. It certainly has been a lively start.
To regulate or to encourage? This week Martin looks at the contrasting approaches to the business of sport on both sides of the pond.
This week, Martin filed his US tax return and noticed something curious happen to his in box and social media feeds… advice, lots of advice, all of it unwarranted.
This week Martin looks at the shifting age demographic in America, and wonders where there is money to be made…
In the final Downtown Den Politics Podcast of 2023, Frank is joined by Downtown’s U.S. commentator Martin Liptrot.
On the 50th anniversary of Jimmy Reid’s speech at Glasgow University, Martin Liptrot looks at how it is possibly more relevant to Americans today than it was back then.
“It’s the economy, stupid.” Martin Liptrot looks at the consequences of the recent standoff over increasing the U.S. Governments borrowing limit.
This week Martin Liptrot discusses the U.S. $1trillion Infrastructure Bill and how the politicians might have a chance to make inner cities rival the suburbs as the place to be.
This week in America the primaries and run-offs to the 2021 elections are already well underway. Martin Liptrot discusses the parallels and differences between the U.S and UK in its Mayors.