A week in America | 6 December 2024
As we head towards the end of the year, Martin looks at the US stock market and what trends and challenges lie ahead.
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As we head towards the end of the year, Martin looks at the US stock market and what trends and challenges lie ahead.
This week, Martin looks at who did and didn’t get the nominations in America, and what that might mean for the nation as we head to a new Presidency…
Data is now playing a major role in our lives and the management of it is an industry in itself. But is it helping us make better decisions? This week, Martin reports back from a US conference on the topic…
This week, Martin looks forward to the US Election debate and how the little details may make the difference.
From his perch in the US, Martin looks at the current political ding-dong back in the UK – and can’t help but share a few words of US advice…
This week Martin anticipates the state visit of Indian Premier Modi to America and wonders what will be said, and just as importantly, what won’t!
As Premier League clubs announce a ban on gambling sponsors, Martin looks at how US and Global Sports brands are waking up to their wider social responsibilities…
In the next week, America’s businesses are set to report how Q1 2023 has mapped out, and what it will tell us for all of our economic fortunes… Martin looks at the trends and what he is hearing from businesses in the US.
This week Frank Mckenna reflects on the similarities of political tastes in the UK and the US and Boris Johnson launches a Trumpian-style defence of himself and his government.