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Who Are Yer? // Alan Cross

Alan Cross from ESA Business Applications tells us his business hero, his favourite podcast and who would or wouldn't like to self isolate with in this 'Who Are Yer?'

Name: Alan Cross

Company: ESA Business Applications

Job Title: Ambassador

Company Name: European Space Agency – Business Applications

What does the business do: ESA Business Applications helps businesses in non-space sectors to use space to enhance their products and services, primarily with this use of satellite navigation, imagery, and/or communications. (Part of the European Space Agency, an intergovernmental organisation of 22 nations, dedicated to the exploration of space)

Where can we find you: Direct – @ESABA_NW or | Organisation – @ESABusinessApps |Regional host organisation – @STFC_Matters

What are three words to describe yourself: Passionate, focused, playful.

What do you love about working from home: It’s where all my stuff is. Oh, and since Humans left the scene, there’s LOADS of bird song.

Favourite sports team: This’ll make me unpopular, but I honestly don’t care one bit about any sport.

Favourite Book: 2001: A Space Odyssey

Favourite Podcast: The Infinite Monkey Cage

Favourite Band/Artist: Sinatra

Best business moment in your life: Being appointed as ESA Business Applications Ambassador

What advice would you give to 18-year-old you: Keep doing what you’re doing, it’ll all work out fine, BUT, listen more… and prepare to become more introverted the older you get.

If you were allowed to have 5 people, living or dead, in lockdown with you, who would they be: Five dead ones; I enjoy peace and quiet.

What restaurant are you most looking forward to returning to: ‘Fishers’ at The Shore, Leith

Celebrity Crush: Joseph Gordon Levitt and/or Chris Hemsworth

Your Business Heroes are: Elon Musk

What superhero would you be: Florida Man, or Dan Dare (born in the North West, flew into space from his launch facility at Formby… what’s not to love!?!?!)

Complete this sentence ‘Boris Johnson is… in a pickle.’

Why Downtown: It’s the best way for me to be introduced to innovative, engaging businesses across the region

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