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Who Are Yer? // Abby Goldie

Abby Goldie reveals who would be in her 'Lockdown Bubble', which restaurant she cant wait to get back to and what podcast has been keeping her sane over the past few months.

Name: Abby Goldie

Company: Downtown in Business

Job Title: National Director of Business Support

What are three words to describe yourself: Caring, animated and passionate.

What do you love about working from home: Business from the waist up, leggings and slippers from the waist down.

Favourite sports team: The Wasps.

Favourite Book: The Hunger Games Trilogy.

Favourite Podcast: The Guilty Feminist.

Favourite Band/Artist: Toss up between The Beatles and The Spice Girls – get you a girl who can do both.

Best Business Moment in your life: This is a really tough one when you work for somewhere like Downtown. I honestly can’t answer, I’ll have to go for private tour of the Houses of Parliament and meeting the speaker of the house.

What advice would you give to 18-year-old you: Dump him.

If you were allowed to have 5 people, living or dead, in lockdown with you, who would they be: My other half, my grandparents, Joe Lycett and Katherine Ryan for the dry banter.

What restaurant are you most looking forward to returning to: There are so many amazing restaurants in Brum, I honestly can’t choose. I can’t get Chun Ying Central out of my head at the moment so let’s go with them!

Celebrity Crush: James Franco.

Your Business Heroes are: Rebecca Simkiss, Paul Cadman, Tara Tomes, and our very own Frank to name a few.

What superhero would you be: Storm.

Why Downtown: Because we’re Downtown. We are unapologetically ourselves.

Downtown in Business

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