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Who Are Yer? // Dawn Coker

We hear from Director at Access2Funding, Dawn Coker. What advice would she give to her 18-year-old self? Which restaurant is she most looking forward to returning too? Find out in 'Who Are Yer?'

Name: Dawn Coker

Company: Access2Funding

Job Title: Director

What does the Business do: We specialise in R&D Tax Credits & Embedded Capital Allowances.

Website Address:

What are three words to describe yourself: Tenacious, Protective, Positive.

What do you love about working from home: Washing can be done in the week instead of taking precious weekend time up.

Favourite sports team: Everton.

Favourite Book: The Diary of Anne Frank.

Favourite Podcast: Marshall Goldsmith.

Favourite Band/Artist: Luther Van Dross or anything Motown.

Best Business Moment in your life: Getting shares and part ownership in Access2Funding.

What advice would you give to 18-year-old you: Travel while you can, around the world.

If you were allowed to have 5 people, living or dead, in lockdown with you, who would they be: Bring back my dad, Richard Branson, Marshall Goldsmith, Princes Di & Joanna Lumley.

What restaurant are you most looking forward to returning to: Saturdays at Casa Italia Liverpool.

Celebrity Crush: Colin Firth.

Your Business Heroes are: Peter Hill CFM Consulting, Marshall Goldsmith Coach.

What Superhero would you be: Wonder Woman – sometimes my kids think I am, but I would kill for her figure!

Why Downtown: Proud to be a Liver Bird and proud of our city, so share the same passion as Frank as also a Blue.

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