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Who Are Yer? // Amy Deakin

Amy Deakin from Western Union Business Solutions tell us about the best business moment in her life and what she thinks the 'new normal' is, in this weeks 'Who Are Yer?'.

Name: Amy Deakin

Company: Western Union Business Solutions

Job Title: Channel Partnership Manager

Where can we find you? @WUBusiness on Twitter, email or call 07712303069

What are three words to describe yourself? Passionate, Geeky, “Rabbit”

What are you most looking forward to about getting back into the office? Spontaneous banter

Favourite sports team? My netball club ?

Favourite Book? The Book Thief

Favourite Podcast? I don’t really do podcasts – prefer visual pieces

Favourite Band/Artist? Favourite song to lift my mood – Davina and the Vagabonds – Devil Horns

Best business moment in your life? Knowing I was part of a team of amazing people that raised the largest annual income for the charity in the charity’s history

What advice would you give to 18-year-old you? Don’t be so hard on yourself and others. Success is a journey, not a destination

If you were allowed to have 5 people, living or dead, for a dinner party? Nelson Mandela, Obama, Jack the Ripper, Judi Dench, Queen Elizabeth II

What restaurant were you most looking forward to returning to following lockdown? Levitate in Prague….can’t see that happening anytime soon!

What bar/pub were you most looking forward to returning to following lockdown? The Lost & Found

Celebrity Crush? I don’t have one, but my guilty celebrity pleasure is Celebrity Gogglebox!

Your Business Heroes are? Those who pull their sleeves up, crack on, and support those around them – Paul Cadman, James Wong, Vicky Rowles

What superhero would you be? Wonderwoman? (I must confess I’m not on my A game with knowing superheroes ?)

Complete this sentence ‘The New Normal is…’ having to double check you’re PPE ready when leaving the house. Phone, keys, purse, Antibac, Mask. ?‍♀️

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