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Who Are Yer? // Jack Masham

This week's 'Who Are Yer?' is Jack Masham, Business Development Associate at Western Union Business Solutions.

Name: Jack Masham

Company: Western Union Business Solutions

Job Title: Business Development Associate

What does the business do: We facilitate the sending, receiving and managing of international payments by offering simple, effective and efficient solutions.

What are three words to describe yourself: Sociable, Engaging, Driven.

What are you most looking forward to about getting back into the office: The chance to finally meet my colleagues in person and go for a drink.

Favourite sports team: Arsenal… unfortunately.

Favourite Book: Prefer autobiographies so it’d be Gotta Get Theroux this by Louis Theroux. Solid pun too.

Favourite Podcast: XFM The Ricky Gervais Show. Seems like I spend half my day listening to this.

Favourite Band/Artist: The Smiths but changes day to day.

What advice would you give to 18-year-old you: Work hard on the short term and good things will happen long term.

If you were allowed to have 5 people, living or dead, for a dinner party, who would they be: John Lennon, Louis Theroux, Karl Pilkington, Margaret Thatcher, Julia Hartley-Brewer.

What restaurant were you most looking forward to returning to following lockdown: Any! They’re all shut at the moment!

What bar/pub were you most looking forward to returning to following lockdown: Vodka Revs in Brighton and order the whole drinks menu to make up for lost time during lockdown.

Your Business Heroes are: Elon Musk and Ben Francis

What superhero would you be: The one Karl Pilkington coined – have a google if you don’t know what I mean.

Complete this sentence ‘The New Normal is…’ Don’t like considering what we’re going through as a “new normal”. I’m sure we’re all keeping our fingers crossed for this all blowing over soon. Sure it will be.

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